My brew day started at 9:00 am - visual inspection of the equipment. The following items were cleaned, and sanitized:
- blichmann 20g hlt/mlt/bk
- Latrobe 15.5g keg, outfitted as a fermenter
- 48qt cooler (transfer vessel)
- Mash paddle
- Boil kettle spoon
- Immersion Chiller
- Various Tubing
- Various Gaskets
At 10:30, everything was cleaned and ready - with one minor hiccup. We had no propane. Our journey takes two hour and a half side-track.
@1:00 pm - dough in.

MMM.... look at all that grain. Dough in was at 122F for 15 minutes, with a quick (emphasis on this) direct heat step to 150F.

Looking at the grain here, you can see the coloring has already begun. This was as I was stepping to 150F.
@2:30 pm - Mashout and Sparge.

Here we see the transfer of the first sweet-wort to the 48-qt cooler. Transfer from the cooler back to the kettle is a bit nightmarish, however, the cooler would not have allowed us to get the kind of gravity we were looking for from this brew.
@3:15 pm - Boil this bad larry
(NOTE: the picture below is not of the boil)

@5:30 it was chilled down and in the fermenter. The yeast were firmly establishing their hold on the deliciously sweet wort that would become beer.
... One and a half months later ...

A rich creamy head, with a hazy brown body.
And of course,

AHHH! Delicious.
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